
If you look to the right...

...you'll notice the number on our baby-ticker.

30 Days to go.

We're down to the wire already! We had our 36 week appointment today to see where we are at. Lemon was sleeping so her heart rate was a normal 135 (as opposed to the drama she caused at our last appointment - hooking me up to the monitor for an hour as she practiced gymnastics. I am not kidding, she would not settle down and literally kicked me 100x in an hour. The doctor was very impressed...).

We also learned that she is head down. Good girl. My cervix is still closed so I doubt she'll come anytime before we are officially at term - next Thursday! It is hard to believe that she can pretty much come anytime now and it is a-ok.

The arrival poll you all participated in put Lemon's arrival most likely either before the new year (Daddy's dream tax-break baby), or after her due date (Mommy's nightmare procrastinator baby). Can't wait to find out! I just hope she doesn't wait too long - we're anxious to meet her!

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