
Hair Clips!

I am banking on this kid having a full head of hair like her mama. For those of you who don't know, I was born with hair so long it had to be cut upon arrival. I understand that this is a gift and there are some not as fortunate. For instance, Lemon's big girl friend Kilinoe in Hawaii recently made the milestone of braiding her hair for the first time at the tender age of 3! (Congratulations, Lucky!)

So, naturally, when we found out we were having a little girl one of the things I quickly got excited about was hair clips! The perfect little girl fashion accessory. Mind you, I realize I am going to be a snob about this. And if I offend anyone during this post, I do apologize, but maybe it is something you need to hear...

Not all children's hair accessories are created equal. Let us explore some baby hair fashion no-no's before we talk about some of the most adorable hair fashions I have found so far...

Having more headband than hair seems a bit unbalanced, especially when you are obviously going for the 80's hair band look.

A hair bow to look like ballerina legs.... might be a bit much.
Flowers bigger than baby's face is just distracting.

Likewise, more BOW than baby is also bad.

This girl is going to look back on this picture and DIE one day as she realizes her mom put two identical cabbages on her head.

There is no need for glamour shots under the age of 16. In fact, there is no need for glamour shots EVER.

And then, as goes without saying, the Hamas headband is probably the ultimate faux-pas.

The painful images above now behind us, let look at the GOOD STUFF. Please make note of these three adjectives that you will notice is the underlying theme when choosing kid's hair accessories: SMALL, SIMPLE, DELIGHTFUL.

Yesterday, at the Urban Craft Uprising in Seattle I picked up this little number from Moth & Squirrel - a cute little felt whale with beaded eye. Our whale is seafoam green with a teal spout - great colors! Libby Chenault also makes other animals shapes that I'll be sure to collect as we move forward.

Apoidea Projects is another crafter I encountered yesterday. She makes the sweetest barrettes out of vintage buttons, beads, and broken pieces of jewelry past. Most of her wares are even versatile enough to share with your baby without looking weird! And if you're not into the barrettes, check out the other jewelry available for adults!

For those of you who are not yet familiar with Giddy Giddy, miss out no more... GIddy GIddy is a well know in the mommy blogs and just about EVERYTHING they make is perfectly suitable for little girl hair. I even love their beautiful clip keepers (the new "Doe-a-Deer" is perhaps my current favorite)...

China Sprout is a source for super-cute asian inspired hair-stuff for kids.... the good news is that they carry WAY MORE that hair stuff. Check them out!

Daisy Chain on etsy makes some sweet copper bobbies I am super fond of (among other great barrettes)! And I just LOVE that she is not afraid to use subject matter normally reserved for boys - breakin' boundaries here!

Kitchen Table Studios is another great etsy find. I especially love their vintage cabochon barrettes featuring a myriad of animals.

And, lastly, if you must have ribbon, please approach with restraint and style such as with some selections from SkullnCross Bows.

1 comment:

alohab said...

We are on the same page my friend! It's so funny because I have been meaning to post a similar post with my favorite clippies, so stay tuned, I think you'll like some :). Unfortunately my most favorite bow vendor, The Pink Bow has disappeared, but they look similar to SkullnCross Bows, so I'll have to check them out.