
I'm freaked out by this.

Yoga is part of my life, and I can't wait to introduce Naomi to Yoga one day... but absolutely not like this.

7 months

Naomi's July was a busy one! The two biggest developments were a) sitting on her own (even in a grocery cart!), and b) the extent to which she is babbling now.

It is clear that we have a chatter on our hands. She is an expert in B's, M's, and D's (think in a string of "mamamama babababababa dadadadadadadada" followed by a squeal or making a raspberry sound with her lips. It is particularly cute, I must say, when she is moving her lips, practicing how to form her mouth for a particular sound, but not making any. Then, a minute later, she will give us a confident BABABABABA if that is the sound we asked for. Having an exchange with Naomi is lovely.

Even better is that it is clear now that she is understanding more and more of what we say. Among her favorite phrases to hear are "Jersey Puppy" "Who's that pretty baby" (when looking in the mirror), and "You want some num-nums?" (Num-nums being food).

Naomi also has favorite songs. She has for a while, but a particular few calm her down when needed. First best is Apples and Bananas. Runner up is Itsy Bitsy Spider. We do a lot of singing in the car these days...

The biggest event in July, of course, was the visit of Grandma (Jim's mom) and 12 year old cousin Trellany! Making the trip from Alabama to visit Naomi for the first time, Rhonda and Trellany were able to spend 10 days with us. Most of it was spent relaxing and allowing our visitors time to spend with Naomi. We did take a trip to Snoqualmie Falls on one day, caught a Mariner's game on another - always a favorite thing to do in Seattle! - and even walked in the CCFA 5k! Come back and visit again soon!

Naomi & Trellany at Qwest Field

Grandma & Trellany at Snoqualmie Falls

The CCFA 5k (Bree & Metztli joined us, too!)


Happy 4th of July!

They could have pared this down to Animal, Beaker, and Chef and I would have been just as thrilled to find this today! Those three are my all-time faves....

Have a fun and safe holiday!


6 months old!

Today marks Naomi's half birthday. Man, this goes quick! What is Naomi up to these days?

Naomi now sits on her own unassisted. I love that! She is just looking like such a big girl now.

She still plays with everything with her feet, like a little monkey. It's pretty hysterical, actually. I'm not sure I've ever seen another baby handle things with their feet the way Naomi does. It is almost as much as she uses her hands!

While rolling from back to front is her favorite past time, she is still refusing to go form belly to back. She knows how. She has done it, but we think she is just lazy. She would prefer to whine until one of us flips her over. We figure this can't last forever. Come her crawling which is sure to be just around the corner seeing how she handles herself from the sit position, she's going to have get over it and do it eventually.

She does squirm and get whatever she wants to get wherever it happens to be. It is not uncommon now for me to turn around for two minutes and she is in the complete opposite direction from where I left her. She also wakes up from her naps sideways in her bed and has taken to sleeping on her side lately. I am grateful for this because it is allowing the hair on the back of her head to grow in!

Solid foods. ACK! What a mess! so far her favorite is bananas mixed in oatmeal. I laugh because this is my father's favorite breakfast, too. Two peas in a pod, those two.

Still no teeth. I'm waiting for that terror. She is teething and everything she picks up goes directly into her mouth but I feel for teeth every day and nothing yet. She will occassionally wake up crying late at night because her gums hurt. I know they are coming in soon.

Naomi's current favorite toy is a Little Tikes piano Judy Hassing gave us a long time ago. She just loves to sit on the couch and bang on that thing. And she thinks it is hysterical when I try to sing the notes she plays. (Why does everyone laugh when I sing?)

In other friend-based news...

Naomi and her friend, Metztli had their first playdate recently! The girls are just SO cute together. Metztli is so gentle with Naomi, shares her toys, and even gives her sweet little besos! Ah! So much fun! It is also nice for me to be able to visit with Metztli's mama, Bree.

Metztli and Naomi

A new friend for Naomi has been born! Making his debut on June 21st was Eliot. A BOYFRIEND! He's pretty darn cute, too. We can't wait until Eliot is grown up a little bit and the kids can play together. Congratulations mama KC and daddy Jac!

Elllllliiiiooooot (*ET Voice)

There is another new friend on the way, too. We're not yet sure whether it will be a boy or a girl, but we do know that whatever it is, that baby is LATE! Good luck Jennifer and Kelly and big sister Opal!

Cute picture of KC (left) and Jennifer at Kc's baby shower! (Belly Buttons!)

And that's it, I think. It's been a really busy month for mommy with work so, again, apologies for my lack of posting. I'll keep trying to work on that!