
Blue or Brown eyed girl?

I like my browns eyes but I'd be lying if I said I don't not-so-secretly hope our little Lemon is born with her daddy's big blue gems. They are melt-my-heart stunning.

So, when I found this eye color predictor site this morning, I had to give it a shot! I learned in 7th grade biology how dominant and recessive genes work, and that brown eyes are dominant but that won't stop this girl from hoping, especially because I have seen recessive genes in action - my sister has the only blue eyes in a family full of brown. And our odds must be better since Jim's family is all blue and green eyes - no brown in his immediate family.

This is what our chart looks like based on six children (right!):

As predicted, there is a 50% chance Lemon will have brown eyes, 25% chance of blue, and 25% chance of green - which surprised me. As much as I can't wait to have my curiosity satisfied, we may not REALLY know what color eyes she will have until about 9 months after she is born anyway. Chances are if she is born with brown eyes they will stay brown. BUT, if her eyes are gray or muddy, it can take up to 9 months for the true pigment to build up and reveal a permanent color, whether that is brown, blue or green.

It really doesn't matter to us - I just can't wait to meet Lemon! But this is a fun little site to check out... if you haven't had your kids yet, or haven't had ALL of your kids yet, let us know what your results are!

1 comment:

maikib said...

such a cool website! i did ours, and we have a 70% chance of brown eyes!! even with mark's beautiful baby blues (and his whole family's light eyes). even with my dad's genes, brown is still too dominant. haha. how are you doing??