
Birth Prep Class

This past weekend was full of fun as Jim and I spent both days in an intensive birth and baby prep class. I'm glad we nailed it in one weekend... If I had to go 6 weeks straight I could easily have seen us blowing this off after a few weeks. It seemed like most of the information was stuff we already knew. I guess that is a good thing, but I was looking forward to the class but ended up being bored by most of it.

Saturday was focused on the birth. We watched what was probably TOO MANY birth videos. I know it is good to see many different possibilities but we (and by we I mean mostly Jim) squirmed through the whole thing, all wide-eyed. I also caught him laughing and pointing at me when I looked at him during particularly intense or stomach-turning parts... thanks for the support, honey. You are lucky I have a sense of humor!

We also went through many different laboring positions to see what was most comfortable for us (me). Jim and I are obviously going to have relaxation breathing issues. It is like dancing. You need synchronization and rhythm. Jim is supposed to lead me through breathing so I can focus on him instead of the pain. The problem is that he has no rhythm and I wanted to lead the whole time. We were SO BAD we couldn't help but laugh the entire time. We are going to have to find another means to relax me during labor. I am confident I can employ my yoga and meditation breathing. I think Jim is going to have to just make sure he is up on his massage skills and be OK with being bossed around and yelled at. I have warned him several times by now that I am not really expecting to be a nice person through all that pain. I do feel like I am more ready now and anxious for the whole labor and delivery thing. We are feeling more confident and really can't wait for Lemon to arrive!

Sunday was focused on care for baby after birth - both in the hospital and at home. Again, feeling pretty good about my knowledge level. We had a fake baby to practice on and I LOVED watching Jim change the diaper and dress the baby! All in all, a successful weekend that I am glad is over. Now let's get on to the real thing...

1 comment:

alohab said...

we felt the same way about classes. i can't believe you suffered through 2 whole days, i could barely take the hour class :). noa was no help at all for either baby. i just did deep breathing on my own, and told him to shut up when i was having a contraction because he would talk to me and ask why i was answering him (and this was with Makena!). Love all the new posts and miss you lots! wish we could be closer while you're going through this magical time!