
Why "Lemon"?

I have fielded this question more than a few times, so I thought we should probably go public with how we came about the nickname "Lemon" for our little one.

There are a couple reasons, really...

First of all, we needed to think of something other than "Peanut." Peanut was our affectionate name for the baby we miscarried last year. When we got pregnant in April a couple of the people close to us who found out right away started calling this baby Peanut, too. It kinda struck a nerve - our Peanut deserved a nickname of it's own, as does this new baby.

Secondly, I have learned that pregnancy cravings are no joke. Luckily, mine have been of the healthier variety. I can't get enough citrus. Oranges, orange juice, lemonade, you name it - if it's sour, I need it. Melon or berries will do in a pinch, as will anything ice-cold. If it's citrus AND ice cold, I feel like I've struck gold. Needless to say I have been freezing a lot of OJ into ice pops and experimenting with varieties of sorbet - just recently I have made watermelon sorbet, strawberry sorbet, and honeydew sorbet. As a side note, I have to tell you, I feel like I could make a small fortune with the melon sorbets - they are RIDICULOUSLY good. If you own an ice cream maker and you want the recipes, let me know.

Thirdly, at the time we started this blog - around 14 weeks gestation - Lemon was about the size of a, well, lemon.

We are also big 30 Rock fans. For those of you who watch the show, you'll know the fourth reason we went with Lemon. If you are not a fan, you are lame. Easily the funniest show on TV.

SO, here's to hoping our Lemon is sweet, not sour. Let's also hope that choosing the real name of the baby is not as complicated... although I am not holding out much hope for simplicity on that front.

And no, we have not started discussing that yet.

And NO, we will not tell you what we decide on until after baby arrives. You better dig up some patience 'cause we're not budging on that one.

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