
2¢: Newborn Must-Haves

Here's your chance to sound-off! Tell us what items you just couldn't live without when you had (or have!) a newborn in the house. Any advice particularly for WINTER babies is greatly appreciated, too, but don't feel limited to that. We are looking forward to taking your advice into consideration as we set up our registry and to-buy lists. Thanks in advance!


alohab said...

hats, hats, hats (even in Hawaii for a January baby)! Lots of footsie pajamas, kiddopotamus "swaddleme" (since baby can't use a blanket - you can find this at babies r us, amazon, target, etc., much easier than using a baby blanket to swaddle, and they come in lightweight cotton and warm fleece), and you can never have enough washcloths and burp cloths. I'm sure I'll think of more things, but that's a good start :).

Anonymous said...

I actually started compiling a list for you a few weeks ago. It's far too long to post here (I'm pretty wordy and opinionated....in case you didn't know). I'll send it along when it's finished.

alohab said...

Nix the saddleme, I meant the Halo Sleepsack. My babies didn't like being swaddled after the first month or so, so I switched them to these. You can find them at the same stores :).

Anonymous said...

- A really good electric breast pump. If you plan to pump at all, don't waste your time or the comfort of your breasts on a manual one. You can get away with a cheaper model if you won't be using it a lot, but if you are then spending the extra money on a top-of-the-line pump is really worth it.

- A cool night light with a timer. We got a "Twighlight Turtle," which is awesome. The constellations come through the turtle's shell and shine on the walls and ceiling, and it provides just the right amount of light for changing or feeding baby during the night without completely waking her (or you) up. Then it shuts itself off a while later. They also make other animals that serve different purposes (www.sleepsheepandfriends.com).

- A baby-wipe warmer. I know, it sounds rediculous, but when the baby is only half-awake it is no good to shock her awake with a cold baby wipe.

- Batteries in different sizes (for the swing, the mobile, your camera, etc.).

- A cover for your stroller to protect baby from the elements when you (and your dogs) really need a walk.

- A digital in-ear thermometer (neither you nor baby will want you to go in the other end).

- A Baby Bjorn, sling, or other hands-free baby carrier.

There is lots of useless junk out there that you don't need, too, but that's a topic for another post.