
What can Lemons make?

According to the picture above from failblog.org, lemons are good for making orange juice (what?!).

Another thing we have recently learned about lemons is that they are good for making GIRL BABIES! Yes, you read that right! We are expecting a little girl. The poll showed that most of you were right-on in your guess. If this was you, it is your time to gloat in the comments. We are ecstatic, of course! We both voted girl in the poll.

For those of you who are curious about where exactly we are in the baby-making process, we officially hit the half-way mark today. 20 weeks down, 20 (give or take) to go!

And now for the unveiling... some fresh new ultrasound pics:


alohab said...

HOORAY! Congratulations :)! Girls are great, not that I'm biased or anything. I honestly can't remember what I voted for. Precious ultrasound photos. I am so thrilled for you. She is due so close to Nanea's birthday. Now I can start shopping for girl appropriate gifts :).

Athena Marie Luccio said...

Our first tea party will be on June 12th, 2010 at 3:00 PM in a park to be determined at a later date. That way our Mama's can hang out in the sun (hopefully) and we'll both be able to actually participate in the tea party. After that we will have an impromptu ballet recital.

BKR said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That's also what I was secretly hoping for. Not that I am biased either! Soooo sweet! I love the baby foot. Metztli already can't wait to hang out!

The Henderson's said...

YEAh, I am so happy for you!