
Fur Babies

We have two of the canine variety. And I can't help but be curious about how they are going to react when we bring our new little one into the house. It's not so much that I have any fear that they would be mean to Lemon in any way, but I think they - or particularly Jersey - won't really know what to do with herself once she realized that the baby is going to be sticking around for quite a while.



Bailey, our aussie shepard mix, I have no doubt will be fine. She loves to give kisses to Lemon's future best friend, Athena, any chance she gets. And her attachment is more towards Jim anyway... she literally thinks I am the other woman.

For those of you who know my relationship with Jersey, our precious little cocker spaniel, I am sure you understand. For those of you who don't, let me just explain by saying that since we got her 6 1/2 years ago, she has been my "baby." We are inseparable. As I write this, she literally snuggling up right against me. If I didn't have a computer on my lap, no doubt she would have perched herself on my thighs.

Needless to say, there is going to be quite an adjustment. I know I'll have to work a little harder to assure Jersey that I still love her even though Lemon is likely to claim any free lap space. And I will really encourage Jersey to connect to and protect Lemon. Nothing would make me happier than to one day realize that Jersey and Bailey have both found a new best friend - replacing Jim and I with our little girl.

I have seen some wonderful examples of this relationship with other friends' kids & dogs: The ever-patient Nalu (black lab) with Nanea and Makena, the live-in zoo of Kula (golden retriever), Pancho (mastiff/bloodhound), and Riley (great dane) whom Kili has complete command over... I just hope our transition is as successful as these!

We'll keep you posted on the introduction and progress on this front once Lemon arrives!

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