
Pregnancy & Grace

These two words do not belong in the same sentence.

Today is the first day of our third trimester. How time flies! I think this is also the time when I am allowed to complain a little bit. I have had, overall, a great pregnancy so far. I am hoping this continues. However, a few things have recently caught up to me which, I think, will be challenging hurdles over the final 12 week stretch.

Sleep & Snoring
Pre-pregnancy I could honestly say that I looked forward to my sweet good night's rest. I am usually a solid sleeper. This has gotten trickier. I have two positions available to me now: right side or left side. Thank god for my snoogle (picture a full body pillow that curves around your body like a snake) or else I think I would be completely miserable. The snoogle makes this lack of sleeping options ALMOST bearable. And you know, it is not so much that I mind sleeping on my side, but when I need to roll over, I can no longer do this in a blissful sleep - I full-on wake up, have to move the pillow with me, adjust this growing body and baby, then put up with a few kicks until the baby gets comfy again.

But I could handle this if this was the only problem, but it is not. My recent incarnation into a buzz saw has been the recent popular topic of discussion. I was known to snore a little bit pre-pregnancy. Not a cute attribute, I know, but my ever patient husband said that it really wasn't that bad. That has all changed. I think he quickly switches from being startled awake, to absolute shock from the shear volume of my new snoring habits, to utter annoyance - usually followed by an elbow jab or nudge to get me to stop. I would be unaware otherwise, but I feel horrible and have trouble falling back to sleep afterwards as I want him to be able to sleep, too.

Jim has actually taped an episode of my snoring. I keep telling him that I think it is Jersey doing the snoring (she is the WORST snorer!), but he assures me that I'm the one making the noise. When both the Jers and I are going at it, I am sure Jim is ready to go sleep in the car.

I have been spending many nights on the couch recently. My recently preggo friend, Caitlin, has assured me that she went through this, too, and the snoring actually does stop after you give birth. Great. Just in time for us to become sleep deprived for other reasons. Maybe this is the universe's way of preparing us for less sleep.

My Nose
I'm not going to go into much detail here but this so-called "rhinitis of pregnancy" thing is ridiculous. If you need details just ask, but I'll spare the rest of you.

Oh, yes. Went to the doctor yesterday and it seems that the pain in my right ass cheek that shoots down my thigh is "normal" during pregnancy and called Sciatica. It's a back/disc problem that I am praying goes away after I unload this baby. I have not gained very much weight at all so far so I am not sure why I am so afflicted but my body is changing and weight is shifting to the front so maybe it is the way I am carrying myself. Whatever... the doc suggested that if it gets worse I go to physical therapy. Seriously? All I want to do is go get a massage.

On a brighter note...
I must mention the positives: my hair is growing longer and thicker (not that I ever had much trouble with this anyway). My nails have looked better than they have in years. My skin is clear. My energy level still seems to be good, although I have a feeling that will change shortly as Lemon is due to start packing on 1/2 lb per week from here on out. Also, I still do love feeling her kicking in there. I think that will be the thing I miss the most when she finally arrives in my arms.

1 comment:

alohab said...

I too had a snoring problem when I was pregnant with Nanea. Noa was miserable, and sometimes went to sleep in the guest room. But, for some reason the second time around, I did not snore. I was horribly congested the entire time, but no snoring. It does go away when the baby comes. Another thing to look forward to :).