
Random Videos

For those of you who don't know, we have been posting random little videos of Naomi to Jim's YouTube channel. I want to start posting them here, too, just to keep everything in one place. Let's start with the one we shot today...

This is how I see our baby every day since the sling is where she is happiest and how I can get stuff done. My back is paying the price, but sanity is reaping the rewards.


Lucky's XO said...

Ah, she's just cruising! I love Bailey and Jersey in the background!!! yea for slings!

Rhonda said...

She looks like she is enjoying the ride! Jersey and Bailey keep up with her whereabouts really well.

Unknown said...

ok can i just say i want to smother her in bbq sauce and eat her... tooo yummy. keep filming, it will go by so fast. it feels like khepra was this big yesterday. kisses to you guys.
