
New Section: Things We've Learned

I have been thinking of starting a new section of this blog dedicated to sharing things we learn along the way. Not big things, just minor thoughts and everyday tips that have made the details of parenting easier. Things that we never knew but have had to learn quickly. Kinda like a reference for soon-to-be parents, or parents who are dealing with specific challenges. Let's call it a place for us to exchange ideas. We would love for all of the parents in our lives to participate in the comments. We will post a recap of shared ideas the next time we post to this section.

Here is what we have compiled so far (in no particular order):
  • T-shirts & pants are the best outfits - easier than onesies. It makes it super easy to check diapers without having to completely undress (and upset) baby.
  • Do not use nail clippers on your baby until the nails actually separate from the skin. They are not born this way and you'll draw blood. (Luckily we learned this before any kind of catastrophe.) DO bring a mini nail file to the hospital with you. Baby's nails are RAZOR SHARP and need to be trimmed immediately and often. Best to do this while baby is sleeping.
  • If you can't get to the nails and/or they grow fast, definitely use those little cotton mittens (or the onesies with the fold-down sleeves).
  • Make or buy BIGGER receiving blankets. Baby will grow out of the standard ones within 2 weeks, and the bigger ones are easier to swaddle baby with anyway.
  • Don’t waste money on all those cute infant clothes! Maybe one or two "show-off" outfits, but the rest should be just a few essentials the baby can wear over & over again. Besides, friends and family will most likely give you a ton of clothes - hand-me-downs and new. They just can't help themselves!
  • Get a BIG diaper bag. You'll need the room. And make it one you REALLY like since you will no longer be wearing a purse! I think it is OK to spend money on this item - it will be a constant part of your wardrobe.
  • Always carry TWO extra outfits in your diaper bag. On a bad day, one may not be enough. And make sure you have a big ziploc in there to carry the poopy or wet clothes without ruining your bag.
  • Socks don’t stay on – no matter how “wiggle proof” they claim to be. I haven’t figured out a solution yet, but when I do I’m going to start another business .
  • If having the baby sleep in bed with you the first few weeks or months means YOU get to sleep, too, make peace with that solution and do it. Ignore the nay-sayers. You’re not going to roll onto your baby. And you are going to be able to function during the day!
  • You can not spoil your baby when they are newborn. If they need you, go to them and make them feel secure. Instinct tells me that this will NOT make them more dependent later on. (I'll update this as Naomi gets older and let you know where I think this threshold is.)
  • A baby's hands and feet are not a good indicator of how hot or cool the baby is. Check the back of baby's neck instead.
  • If baby doesn't poop for several days straight, it does NOT necessarily mean there is something wrong. Don't freak.
  • You'll also want to carry little bags like these in your diaper bag for when you don't have a place to dispose of those dirty diapers.

We'll just keep adding to it as we keep learning. Maybe one day compile them all officially on paper... participate and share the credit! Looking forward to hearing all of your tips and tricks!


Jim said...

Also, the Seventh Generation size N diapers suck.

Anonymous said...

My additions to the list:

Zip up pajamas=good, snap up pajamas=bad. It sounds trivial, but when you're trying to change a sleeping and/or squirming child's diaper, zipping is much faster and easier for everyone involved.

Boogers in your child's nose probably bother you more than them. We tried everything imaginable to get Athena's out, but it always resulted in screaming disasters. Now that we let them work their way out naturally before grabbing them everyone's much happier.

On the vein of the little bags you linked, the waterproof bags made to hold dirty cloth diapers work great to transport wet/poopy clothes (or anything else dirty and/or wet). And they're washable and reusable. Hooray for the environment!

alohab said...

isn't it funny that no matter how much advice you get, the tips you learn for yourself are ever so much more helpful? I've been keeping a journal of "tips" for awhile to give to my sister when she has kids. It's all the little things... :). Great idea!

alohab said...

sock tip: try bigger sizes. i've found that the little bootie ones don't stay on, but if you buy a larger size, and the ones that you have to roll down, those tend to grip better. A favorite is baby gap triple roll socks, and also carters has some good single options.