
I'd like to post, but...

I am just too tired.

I have been asked for updates and new photos many times in the past week but to be honest, I sleep when I can. If you have ever had a newborn in the house, you know what I am talking about. There are many things I would like to share with you as a week with Naomi has brought a lot of change and happenings, but for now you'll have to settle for a list of things I would LIKE to post about eventually, once I can open my eyes again:

Labor & Delivery Story and Photos: We had a surprisingly pleasant labor & delivery experience. I had prepared myself for the worst, but feel like I was lucky to get the best experience I could ever have hoped for. I will eventually tell you all about it. Once I get photos from my sister, I will share some those, too. Not gross ones. And not ones I think I look horrendous in.

A Very Ripe Lemon (Jaundice): Yep. Naomi is doing photo-therapy for a case of jaundice. Will tell you what that is all about at some point.

Mother's Milk: Turns out this is a challenge in itself. Why did I think milk came in magically? Maybe for some it does. For me, not so much.

SO, be patient with me. I'll get back to you all soon. I'm taking notes and you're on my to-do list. In the meantime, if you need more of Naomi because she is just so delicious, check out Jim's YouTube Channel. There is some random stuff up there...


BKR said...

oh, i can totally understand! it is good of you to sleep when you can. i'm sorry little naomi has to undergo photo therapy - metztli was a bit jaundiced too and just escaped the lights. i remember that all being stressful. no, nursing is not the easiest thing in the world for most people, so you have much company. it will get easier. sweet videos of the bug. i can't wait to meet her! please let me know what we might do to help. really, i'm very good at dishes and cleaning!

alohab said...

good work! sleep when you can! i try to sneak in snoozes when i'm nursing. since if i'm not, there is a very demanding almost 3 year old to deal with :). can't wait for more news and pics, but take your time to enjoy and absorb it all. the time goes by entirely too fast! XOXO.

alohab said...

oh, and like bree said, nursing does get easier, and before you know it you'll have more milk than you know what to do with! literally... :)

Jennifer Meysenburg said...

Oh Maggie, It was so great to see you, meet your dad and to meet sweet baby Naomi! She is a doll. Please let me know if I can do anything at all for you, we could even walk the doggies!!! We would love to help! I can't wait to come visit a little! Congrats to you both!